
It’s almost here. I can feel the rumbling, the undercurrent of excitement getting ready to bubble over. Back to school fervor has passed away. Halloween is coming. Any day now, it’s going to happen:

I will walk into a store and hear Christmas music.

There are two camps: those who ADORE the Winter Holidays, and those who lock themselves inside their homes until January has been safely ushered in.

I have a personal problem with the Christmas season: I really want to be in the first camp, but I just can’t manage the long-term energy and mental commitment. By the time Christmas Eve hits, I am spent. Stressed out from the organizing of party-attendance (or worse, party planning!)  dressing up for too many weekends in a row, the gift-making, second-guessing of the gifts that I made,  shopping for additional gifts… The holidays turn me into an insecure creature that I do not recognize. Here I am, thinking about the approaching holidays and my neck has cramped up. I’ve got it bad.

As a Christian person, I would much rather simplify the operation and focus on the religious aspect of the holiday. Simple gifts, a small family gathering, more remembrance of the reason we are celebrating, maybe?

I am not strong enough (yet) to combat the social pressure for MORE giving, more TIME, more STUFF.

I don’t want to borrow trouble; it’s only October 13th (shout-out to my brother-in-law: Happy Birthday!)

What I’m trying to do is appreciate this calm before the holiday storm. I’m having an October-rest. I’m resting my brain, appreciating the small things right now. Before I’m run down by the Polar Express; a little “zen” before the mayhem.

As a celebration of “right now” I would like to share with you photos of…sweet potatoes!


Lots o' vines!
Lots o’ vines!

I grew these from slips that I ordered from a farm in Tennessee. They were supposed to grow into bushes. They definitely sent the wrong ones because I’ve got ridiculous vines growing out of the planter box. However, the foliage has been quite pretty, and I am happy to report that we grew more than greenery! Alyssa and I dug up one plant yesterday and removed four HUGE sweet potatoes. plus a couple of little squirts. They still have to “cure” for a few days, and then go into storage for a month or two for the sugars to develop.

One plant's worth!
One plant’s worth!

If they taste good, I will definitely be bringing sweet potato something-or-other to Christmas Eve dinner! I’ve got that covered, at least!


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