What’s new?

Do you believe in making New Years’ resolutions? I typically don’t. I don’t want to adhere to a particular date in order to set a goal. Instead, I set them and readjust all year long! However, I do desire to eliminate something from my character: I make excuses for not doing something difficult. But I …


It’s almost here. I can feel the rumbling, the undercurrent of excitement getting ready to bubble over. Back to school fervor has passed away. Halloween is coming. Any day now, it’s going to happen: I will walk into a store and hear Christmas music. There are two camps: those who ADORE the Winter Holidays, and …

Back to School

  I’ve noticed posts from friends on Facebook: school started for some kids this week. Wow!  Another summer in the can. Zander goes back next Wednesday. Although with his extracurriculars, it’s not like he had a “free” summer. I guess it was better than having him hanging around the house all day, sleeping. His activities …

Tiny humans

Summer has not been good for me, at least not as far as keeping up with a blog goes. There is always something needing to be done, a place that we have to drive to, a meal I have to prepare.  It never stops! Zander’s schedule is killing me with the trips to the pool, …